Sunday, August 23, 2020

Looking Backward 2000-1887 essays

Looking Backward 2000-1887 papers While numerous Americans saw themselves as useful individuals preceding the distribution of Edward Bellamys Looking Backward, I accept that the book had such a significant number of supporters on the grounds that the thoughts that Bellamy offered to Americans were past viable. It was something other than a basic life. Something beyond cheerful society. While there were still principles and guidelines to be followed as in times previously, Bellamys thought of things to come was especially welcoming for the individuals of center and lower classes. An individual of upper-working class or somebody viewed as well off might not have valued a general public with such shortsighted thoughts or lifestyles. Likewise with the possibility of status in a network being denied numerous individuals of upper social classes may have felt annoyed that family names would not proceed to introduce them of a high social standing. Be that as it may, more than status or straightforward methods of living pulle d in individuals to Bellamys thoughts. Credit cards, shops that conveyed all the basics, suppers made by individuals outside the home, equivalent compensation for each kind of business, and having the option to resign from modern work at 45 years old was a genuine advantage for somebody living in Bellamys future society. Visas in this general public shined a different light on the thoughts of spending and getting ones compensation. The possibility of the cards was splendid in that they made it such a great amount of simpler for an individual to haul around. Or maybe then hauling around money and change and scrounge through totes and pockets so as to pay a merchant they could basically pull out the card and have it punched for the merchandise they got. This would have additionally put something aside for humiliating minutes when an individual probably won't have enough cash to pay for the things that they need. On the off chance that need be they could generally dunk into the following years credit in the event that they truly required something. This carries us to the following thought of shortsighted living that Bellamy talks about. ... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Manage Stress at University Essays

Oversee Stress at University Essays Oversee Stress at University Essay Oversee Stress at University Essay Stress happens in human life is recurrence in light of the fact that there are many test individuals need to look in day by day. Likewise it is a piece of student’s life, when the understudy learn at college, they may confront increasingly troublesome issue, for example, more desire from their folks, budgetary issues, test or task. There are numerous definitions about pressure, one meaning of pressure is the body’s response from any circumstance or believed that changes a physical, mental or passionate modification or reaction. (Morrow, 2009) Sometimes suitable pressure is useful for understudy as it pushed them to work better. It implies that they can improve their presentation, remembering for test. In any case, stress bring destructive more than valuable, it can separate to physical and mental to introduce itself. In this article, it will discuss the manifestations of stress and methodologies of oversee worry at college. At the point when understudy was overpowered by pressure, it can appear by physical. Torment may ordinary in our life however at some point it is a direct result of pressure, despite the fact that we may not understand it, for example, migraine, back agony, chest torment and stomach upset, that is the side effects of pressure. Additionally, long time living with pressure can influence wellbeing, it might prompt some illness, for example coronary illness, heart palpitations and hypertension. One of the indications of stress is rest issues, it can influence understudy visit neglect or diminished profitability at test, additionally, long time can't get enough rest that can cause diminished insusceptibility. (Mayo Clinic staff,2009) Moreover, stress can realize mental issue. There are a few manifestations is about feeling was influenced by pressure. At the point when understudy live under tension, they may consistently feel outrage and they will contending with their companions or adores one by little incitement or no explanation. Stress likewise can cause understudy to feel forlorn or confined, they may trigger crying jags, some of the time apparently all of a sudden, even they may sob for easily overlooked details irrelevant to their pressure. Moreover, a lot of worry to take, it will cause understudy to stay away from the issues, feel sad or just surrender and ceaseless pressure can create to gloom or nervousness issue. They may think antagonism when they can’t adapt to pressure. As they are consequently anticipate the most noticeably awful or amplify the negative parts of any bothersome circumstance. (Mayo Clinic staff, 2010) There are numerous techniques to adapt of worry, here will give two strategies to assist understudy with adapting admirably to pressure. In the first place, when you can’t maintain a strategic distance from a pressure circumstance, attempt to transform it that may include change the method of convey and work in the day by day life. Understudy may feel hatred in some cases, some of them will suffer it however it's anything but a decent method to bargain the pressure. At the point when understudy burdensome their feeling in a long haul, it might create to dysfunctional behavior. The better strategy is communicating their emotions and finds the most ideal method of correspondence. On the off chance that doesn't to pass on the emotions, the malcontented circumstance will probably continue as before. Something we must be eager to settle. At the point when we trust others to change the treatment to ourselves, others are anticipating very similar things. For instance, if the two sides squabble about something, they can commonly causing a trade off and that to can quiet to take care of the issue. Oversee time better additionally can assist with diminishing weight, as poor time the board can make time be scatter and impact to contemplate. Smith, Jaffe-Gill amp; Segal, 2008) Make an every day plan, from get-togethers to assignments to housework, and specific the quality activities, it better is successful and don’t neglect to save time for rest. Moreover, some wellspring of stress is unavoidable and unfit to change, the most ideal way is figure out how to ack nowledge. Life has an excessive number of things under the influence, for example, passing, malady and conduct of others. Understudy may concentrate on something can control without anyone else, similar to response of the issue and attempt to confront it positive. There are many test is a piece of advancement, maybe we may blame simultaneously, attempt to gain from botch and improve the imperfection. Likewise, share the involvement in somebody can trust until defeat by pressure. Indeed, even it doesn't have any practical activity, in any event it can discharge negative feeling. The world isn't great, everybody can commit an error and that is a reality understudy need to acknowledge, so figure out how to excuse, life will be simpler. Negative disposition can cause understudy settle on an off-base choice and injury the spirits without anyone else, in this manner let go of the negative vitality that is the most ideal approach on of life. Smith, Jaffe-Gill amp; Segal) taking everything into account, stress is profoundly influencing our life, nobody can maintain a strategic distance from it. It is influence to physical and mental and it can prompt medical issue. In this manner, oversee pressure is significant. Attempt to adjust the circumstance and acknowledge the things can’t change, regardless of whether something out of our desire, attempt to confront it be idealistic. Understudy additionally can do some activity to loosen up themselves. Despite the fact that this exposition just is composed two types of pressure and systems, understudies will get these issues typically. Reference list Morrow, A. R. N. 2009, Stress Definition, saw June 18, http://kicking the bucket. session. com/od/glossary/g/stress. htm Mayo Clinic staff, 2009, Stress side effects: Effects on your body, sentiments and conduct, saw Feb, 20, mayoclinic. com/wellbeing/stress-manifestations/SR00008_D Mayo Clinic staff, 2010, Stress the executives: Reexamine your pressure responses, saw July 23, mayoclinic. com/wellbeing/stress-the executives/SR00032 Smith, M. M. A. Jaffe-Gill, E. M. A. amp; Segal, R. M. A. 2008, Stress Management How to Reduce, forestall, and Cope with Stress, saw December, helpguide. organization/mental/stress_management_relief_coping. htm#authors

Thursday, July 9, 2020

5 Content Tactics to Ignite Brand Engagement with Millennials

Many marketers want to step into millennials' shoes, find out their preferences & dislikes, and speak to them in the best way possible. Despite being skeptical of advertising, millennials are fiercely loyal to brands, which gives you a unique opportunity to reach them. Content marketing, one of the newer tools in a brand's arsenal, is leading the way. Related: 5 myths that devalue your content marketing strategy The connection between content and brand loyalty was established by MBC Research. The results of its study revealed that 62% of millennials feel that content drives their loyalty to a brand. Millennials are among the biggest consumers of content online. Take Nielsen's Q1 2016 Total Audience Report which shows that, in the U.S., content consumption by millennials can shoot up to 18 hours per day. Yet, that doesn't make it any easier for marketers who want to target this demographic that can be split into as many as six distinct types. So, how do you encourage this demographic to engage with your brand? Here are 5 top content tactics to help you get started. 1. Rev up the nostalgia Nostalgia works wonders for the millennial generation, as we've seen in the case of Pokà ©mon Go and its phenomenal success. Another example: Disney resonates intimately with millennials because it runs high on emotion. They feel connected with the brand because it was a crucial part of their years spent growing up. It was nostalgia, too, that generated 14 million views for Netflix's reboot of the 90s sitcom Full House. You can infuse nostalgia to amplify your own content by: Using your audio & visuals to tell a story that establishes a strong connection to common memories. Creating interactive content that brings back fond feelings of the past. Remember all those quizzes on Buzzfeed? Use retro charm to deliver a message in the latest content formats. 2. Forget text, embrace multimedia A study from August 2016 shows that the leading social media platforms for millennials were Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. All three of these thrive on images, videos and multimedia content. Yet another survey showed that millennials communicate better via GIFs, emoji & stickers than via text. [Click to tweet ] Brands like Starbucks and Nike are forerunners in creating multimedia content that engages millennials. They use trending formats like Instagram Stories to build brand affinity using micro-content that disappears after 24 hours. 3. Personalize, personalize, personalize Personalization works for everyone, and millennials are no different. Start with curating your content. "Personalized and timely content recommendations are one of the most powerful ways to make your leads stay longer on your website and recall your brand at crucial times. Bloggers and large content publishers vouch by predictive recommendations for awareness, reach and engagement (as opposed to ads)." —Jeff Bullas Personalization requires in-depth research and careful coordination between content creators, technical marketers, automation specialists, customer service and more. While personalization is subjective, the core of your brand messaging and values should remain uniform across the board. A project collaboration tool like Workzone or Trello can keep everyone on the same page. If team-oriented tasks are disorganized, personalization can quickly turn into a mess. 4. Let influencers do the talking According to Nielsen's Millennials on Millennials report, this group is distracted. They'll easily find ways to avoid advertising when given the chance. In fact, they're more likely to depend on word-of-mouth and social media. Enter influencers. Social media influencers can help you spread the word about your brand. This tactic can give you an edge over traditional advertising, because millennials trust influencers more than they trust ads. Also, influencers can come up with interesting content that you might not have thought of—as demonstrated by the Clorox brand Brita. Teaming NBA superstar Steph Curry with King Bach, a social media influencer, Brita generated an ad for YouTube that earned 2 million views and led to a 2,000% mobile search lift. 5. Encourage user-generated content In contrast to baby boomers, millennials are more likely to trust user-generated content. Be it a status update, review or blog post, they take everything into consideration to form an opinion. For example, if someone's considering a particular shade of lipstick, they'll likely look at swatches and reviews posted by their peers and other users, rather than trusting the experts. One way to generate user content is experimenting with branded hashtags. From KFC's #NationalFriedChickenDay to Oreo's #OreoHorrorStories, good hashtags can work wonders for brand awareness. It might take some innovation, but finding a winner is well worth your time. Key takeaway Millennials are going to remain a favorite demographic of marketers for the near future. Keep up on the latest tools, techniques and channels emerging on the market, and use them to propel your content and brand engagement. Learn how Lucidpress can streamline your brand's content marketing and keep your whole team on the same page.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Ethical Judgement Methods - 1195 Words

Ethics are a standard of right behaviour controlled by our moral principles. Our ethics control our actions, what we believe in and say is somewhat affected by our ethics. Although our ethics play an imperative role in our lives it sometimes may be limitation, especially when it comes to knowledge our ethics may become an obstacle. Some say ethics there to protect us, some argue they are a hindrance. Our ethics come from two major ways of knowing which are emotion and reasoning. This essay will tackle the knowledge issue which is â€Å"Is our ethical judgements hindrance on our knowledge a good thing?† I will be focusing on two areas of knowing which Natural Sciences and the Arts. To some ethics can simplify life, by just following what their religion or what their culture say. For example ‘you shall not kill’; this is a worldwide ethical view. It is seen in many religions and culture this gives a sense of order. On the other hand when someone is being raped and their only source of defence is to kill the person who is raping her or him. Would this still be unethical? On the other hand ethics can also not give straightforward answers, because everyone is different, because our ethics come from our culture, environment and the societies we surround ourselves with. Some say the source of our ethics is empiricism. This can sometimes lead moral principles clashes. So whose ethics values are right? Even when it comes to individuals their ethics are never consistent. Most peopleShow MoreRelatedEthical Judgements Limit the Methods Available1400 Words   |  6 PagesMeanwhile the arts is a discipline in which we express both ethical and unethical ideas that are more subjective. Both areas of knowledge are affected by the ethical judgements that people make in the production and of knowledge. Ethical judgements are related to human moral values and they affect how people should or should not act (Dombrowski, 2007). Even though some may say that ethical judgments vary by subject, location and time, but all ethical judgments have to be by conscious choices. ThereforeRead MoreEthical Judgments in the Arts and Natural Sciences1390 Words   |  6 Pages Ethical judgements are a very potent limiting factor in both the arts and natural sciences, and although these judgements are often times subjective to specific people or cultures, they are extremely beneficial. The exploration of these ethical judgements is vitally important in order to understand why exactly they are thought to limit the methods available in the production of knowledge in these areas, but must also be looked at with a fair and balanced perspective. To begin with, the definitionRead MoreJudgement On Clean Air Or Money1343 Words   |  6 PagesJudgement on Clean Air or Money Economic development will damage the environment more or less, so the choice between the economic development and environmental protection has always been a difficult social problem that challenges many developing countries. China has been suffering by its air pollution for years because people burn too much fossil fuels with few regulations before it become a serious social problem for the whole country. United States as the top of developed countries is also notRead MoreEthics, Art, and Natural Science1353 Words   |  5 Pagesthe question- to what extent, do ethical beliefs limit our ability to effectively study the arts and natural sciences? To understand how ethics affects both natural science and the arts, it is important to have an understanding on the topic of ethics. 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The common thread is right from wrong and following those standards when making decisions and dealing with people. According to Guffey and Loewy (2015), there are a set of question to ask when trying to make an ethical decisions. Some of these same questions can be applied to moral decision making as well. For example, how would one feel if family, friends, or coworkers found out about the decision to do whatever it takes to keep a job, even if it were unethicalRead MoreEmotivism1571 Words   |  7 PagesEMOTIVISM LOGICAL POSITIVISM Logical positivism embraced a scientific method for verifying knowledge – a process of verification – which excluded the possibility of moral facts. This shows the influence of David Hume (1711-1776), who believed that sentiment was the source of right and wrong. If you decide to help someone in need, you do so because you have feelings, not because you have reason. Hume believed in a common feeling for each other’s welfare. We all have a capacity for compassion, butRead MoreDoes Proof Can Be Better Than Others? Essay1210 Words   |  5 Pagesexperiences and how they might be coloring my judgement. I believe these are important aspects to consider when making a reasoned judgment. First, you must look at each and distinguish arguments on both sides of your argument. Then you identify and consider the relative strength to each. When you consider these aspects, you are able to first identify both sides of the argument and choose strong evidence that will take you closer to forming your own reasoned judgement. I believe this is important as it givesRead MoreEthical Judgement Can Restrain Someone from Expanding Their Knowledge1160 Words   |  5 Pageschild, I obeyed the rules, for the most part. But now, as a young adult, I realize that my parents ethical judgement towards profane music, impacted my understanding of the true purpose of hip hop music and the goal of the artists. I came to the realization that ethical judgement can truly restrain someone from expanding their knowledge. I then began to wonder to what extent can the ethical judgement towards the mechanisms utilized in the arts, and other areas of knowledge like the natural scienceRead MoreEthics And Management : Ethical Considerations By Observers Of Earnings Management909 Words   |  4 PagesAbstract. The article reviewed was Ethically Related Judgments by Observers of Earnings Management. The abstract emphasizes that the earning management is the major ethical issues in acco unting. Regulators and investors examine professional judgment through legal books (p. 285). Introduction. The author studies accounting methods, earnings management, and financial reporting to examine the ethicalness of judgments. Management’s ethics play a key role in earnings management activities and financial

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Where Do I Fit In Essay - 1488 Words

American Sign Language(ASL) has been for many years the main way the deaf communicate and is also extremely important to the deaf culture. To the hearing world, being deaf was always considered a handicap and for that reason they came up with what is called a cochlear implant, causing great debate within the deaf culture. The invention of the cochlear implant has the deaf worried that their culture will be destroyed, while the hearing world find that it will better there lives, not realizing that this procedure is not a cure and will leave the deaf confused as to where they belong in society. While hearing aids amplify sounds so that a damaged ear can pick them up, cochlear implants send electrical signals directly to the nerves of the†¦show more content†¦pag). Supporting this procedure would be like throwing everything that they fought for away, it would have all been pointless. There have been cases in which children who were born deaf were automatically forced upon a coc hlear implant and as adults they resent their parents for the choice they made. Supporters do not realize that a cochlear implant is not an automatic cure for being deaf. Those who have had the cochlear implant done, are probably only able to make out about 50% or 60% of what is being said to them, and some nearly hear anything (Cochlear implants n. pag)) This only goes to show that it is most likely a better choice for the child that is deaf to attend an all deaf school. If not they will miss much of what is being said in class and will probably even need an educational aid to take the notes for them(Cochlear implants n. pag). Publisher Mathew Moore of Deaf Life magazine says, Deaf people have created a marvelous language that transforms a mere disability into something that can be worth celebrating,(Cochlear implants n. pag). American Sign Language is truly a beautiful language and should be embraced by those who are deaf. Since 90% of deaf children are born to hearing parents, these parents should also make the effort in trying to learn this language as well and give their child a chance to learn about the deaf culture. Joseph Petrisch who became deaf at the tender age of two due to a sickness says, My parents onlyShow MoreRelatedFinding Your Place in High School828 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"Why fit in when you can stand out?† You have been told this your whole life. But whose responsibility is it to find out where you fit in, yours? Or your peers? Your adolescent years are all about trying to not stand out, and trying just as hard to fit in with the â€Å"in crowd.† You use more energy trying to â€Å"fit in,† instead of just spending all your energy on being who you really are. A group of friends are suppose to have things in common, but that is hard when everyone is putting up a fake personaRead MoreArgument Against The Claim That Business Is Not A Profession Essay1020 Words   |  5 Pageswell as providing a service that is in need. In this essay, I will debunk Pritchard’s argument against the claim that business is not a profession. First I will discuss how business is a profession because it involves formal education of knowledge and skills that a client acquires. Then I will show that the sole purpose of business is not to simply just generate a profit but can expand further. Finally, I will explain how business can fit Plato’s model of a craft. Pritchard claims that business isRead MoreCollege Board Webinar : The College Selection Process1668 Words   |  7 PagesBoard Webinar: The College Selection Process: Find the â€Å"Best Fit† I attend CollegeBoard the College Selection Process: Find the â€Å"Best Fit† webinar. There were two presenters Melissa Caperton, Senior Associate, American Council on Education American College Application Campaign (ACAC) and Dr. Venisa Green, Professional School Counselor, Percy L. Julian High School, Chicago Public Schools. I would definitely recommend this webinar because I have learned a lot how to increase the number of first-generationRead MoreHow Curriculum Is Implemented All Within The California Public School System1117 Words   |  5 Pagescurriculum is developed, how decisions are made on who teaches what, and how curriculum is implemented all within the California public school system. I believe the core mission of being a teacher is to deliver meaningful curriculum to our students which will allow them to successfully pass each grade level and become productive members of society. How do we, as teachers, accomplish this when so many curriculum models have been developed, used, criticized, tossed out, and replaced with something â€Å"better†Read MoreEssay about Laboratory Assignment: Virtual Microscopy1615 Words   |  7 Pagesresponses to the questions below where indicated. Remember to save your work frequently. Viewing Magnification, Field of View, and Specimen Size 1. On the UD Virtual Compound Microscope, examine the onion root tip slide at 400X viewing magnification. Ensure that the image is centred. What is the approximate size of an onion root tip cell? Show your work and specify which dimension of the cell (length or width) you are using. (2 marks) RESPONSE: The dimension of the cell I am using is length. The numberRead MoreIdentity And The Concept Of Self1217 Words   |  5 PagesThrough these past units I have learned several things about identity and the concept of self. Self concept is the intellectual and theoretical awareness and constant regard that conscious beings hold with regard to their own self. Elements of a persons self concept include but are not limited physical, psychological, and social attributes and can be affected by its attitudes, habits, beliefs and ideas. These factors can each be condensed to the common ideas of self esteem as well as self image.Read MoreCharacter Analysis : Claire Standish 1549 Words   |  7 PagesClaire Standish, the prom queen, fits into Identity vs. Role Confusion, Conventional Morality, and the Moratorium stage. Starting with Kohlberg’s Moral Development, Claire fits into the Conventional Morality stage. Claire is the most popular girl in their high school and is constan tly surrounded by many friends. Bender even goes as far as to say, â€Å"School would probably shut down if you didn’t show up!† Claire agrees with this statement and when talking to Alison later in the movie she says, â€Å"YoureRead MoreSocial Justice, The Fair Distribution Of Societys Benefits And Responsibilities And Their Consequences1386 Words   |  6 Pagesshare are not given. In this RCA I will reflecting on how employees of Brampton Civic Hospital are treated with Equity and how nurses provided ethical care based on culture, beliefs and health status of the employee at Occupational Health. Every employee at Brampton civic hospital has to be screened through the occupational health nurse before they start the employment. The occupational health nurse screen them for mandatory immunization, Tb tests and mask fits. So, what if the employee has religiousRead MoreAccepting Others in Adolescence Stage643 Words   |  3 Pageslifetime goes through the Adolescence stage, where they feel like they don’t fit in. They try so hard to fit in and be accepted by others, but yet there is still something about them that isn’t the same as everyone else. Whether or not it’s trying to fit in with the â€Å"populars† or trying to not be the next person to be bullied, they can’t seem to find what they are looking for. Those â€Å"popular† people may think that they can’t take action and help those who don’t fit in, but they can. Accepting others forRead MoreFree will vs. Determinism1124 Words   |  5 Pagesfor this assignment, I po sed the question of free will vs. determinism to a philosopher friend, whose response was â€Å"I don’t care.† He feels that the question is not worth asking because it will not impact our actions anyway. Which ultimately makes him somewhat of a determinist I suppose, though I’m sure he would disapprove of being classified as such. In the end, I settled on the topic of free will vs. determinism because lately it seems I am often faced with situations where my ability to exercise

Groupon Case analysis free essay sample

Groupon, a new internet coupon sensation, was formed in Chicago to gain exposure to new businesses through discounted membership deals and has been on the rise ever since. This particular case study attempts to elaborate on the success of Groupon and how it works. The e ­coupon was designed to help business owners appeal to new prospective consumers by advertising group discounts on products and services. There are a range of businesses that are advertised on the website. One can find discounts on spa packages, concert tickets, dinner and dessert specials, and more. The way it works is, the business owner makes a deal with the website by offering a discount on a product or service and tells how much they are willing to accept for it and the amount they’re willing to give away. Then, Groupon advertises the offer for a limited time and receives a finder’s fee once consumers purchase the deals. We will write a custom essay sample on Groupon Case analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The business has full control over the minimum and maximum number of deals they’re willing to offer. If the deal doesn’t appeal to consumers then there is no financial loss to the business owner. The intention of the business owner is not to gain a lot of profit from the deals made? rather the intent is to drive traffic to the business once the deal is over. Moreover, the benefit of Groupon to the producer comes after the deal is over and the benefit of Groupon for the consumer comes while the deal is still going on. It is a way for consumers to not only receive great deals but also establishes buzz marketing and word of mouth. It is very beneficial for those who invest in Groupon to get their services out in the public and gain a wider target market. Table 1 shows comparison of porter’s 5 competitive forces before and after Gro upon Table 1: Porter’s 5 forces pre ­groupon and post groupon Porters Competitive forces Pre ­Groupon Post Groupon Threat of new entrants Low Not too many competitors Medium First entrant advantage not too many survived the competition Bargaining power of suppliers Low industry leader not too Medium many although it increased there are not too many choices for suppliers to make choices any bargains other than groupon Bargaining power of Low High buyers switching costs for buyer is very low or NIL Threat of substitute products Low first in business Medium same as suppliers Industry Competitors Low High Market Size Small Large Market Growth Medium  ­ People did not understand the groupon business Rapid Business Strategy Focus 1. Differentiation 2. Cost leadership First Mover Advantage High Medium/Low IT infrastructure Rare,Valuable,Imitable Not rare,Valuable,Imitable Information Repository Rare,Valuable Rare,Valuable Technology Skills IT management skills Medium Rare,Valuable,Imitable Medium Rare,Valuable,Imitable Relationship skills very rare,valuable,Difficult to Imitate very rare,valuable,Difficult to Imitate

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Symbolic Significance in Chinese Culture and My Life free essay sample

We need to see the history of dumplings to find out the answer. Back to hundred years ago, dumplings are more like delicacy rather than a nice food to appease people’s hunger. When China was an economically backward country, people always eat cheap roughage such as corn, millet or rice as main meal. Smith describes rice is â€Å"a basic component of routine domestic and ritual activity. † (Smith, 2006) Dumplings were not the same thing. They were only appeared in Spring Festival as a decent food to highlight the day. Therefore, food like dumplings was also represented a happy and wealthy life that people wanted and pursued. Because of this reason, dumplings could have an outstanding impact in people’s everyday life. Although in nowadays dumplings is not a luxury food any more, people are still enjoy having dumplings whenever traditional festivals. The thousand years custom have formed to a culture appearance, carry down from generation to generation. We will write a custom essay sample on Symbolic Significance in Chinese Culture and My Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page No doubt, dumplings bring Chinese people infinite hope and happy, from past till now and possibly in the future. Dumplings gradually transferred from a general food to an influential mascot. This is because the dumplings are provided a satisfaction for people’s psychological need. In another words, Chinese people gave the auspicious meaning to dumplings in the process that people tried to create a health and good life. In the variable kinds of Chinese traditional food, dumplings are not the most â€Å"coroneted† one, but people only chose dumplings as a mascot. According to Lee, â€Å"a group’s customs and rules about appropriate social behavior can reflect important cultural values. (Lee, 2009) Except dumplings are very delicious, I think its unique looking is more correspond with Chinese national characteristics. Dumplings are a classic farcie food, contrast with burgers or pizzas, which all the material is clear at a glance. No matter what the stuffing of a dumpling is, people cannot know just by looking at it. The hidden character of dumplings just corresponds with Chi nese diffidence personality. Therefore, the decision was made by Chinese people according to their own appreciation standards, which meet their psychological needs. There are many different customs about dumplings in different regions of China. My grandparents are living at a country side in the north of China. They have a custom that bride needs eat dumplings in the wedding day. When I was very little, the bride was carried by a sedan to bridegroom’s house on the wedding day. Before that day, the mother of the bride would prepare 40 dumplings and hide them under the sedan seat. When the bride arrived on the husband’s home, the relatives would boil the hided dumplings for the bridal and the groom. The entire process means the new couples will happy and together forever. Lenkeit says that â€Å"culture is constantly changing†¦It changes internally through innovations and inventions-new ideas and combinations of old ideas to create new things. † (Lenkeit, 2009) This point explains the change of this custom. Since woman do not use sedan any more, a new â€Å"rule† replaced the old custom applied in weddings. In recent years, the mother of the bride will make some really spicy dumplings and ask groom to eat. She uses the â€Å"terrible† dumplings to show that it is not easy to get her daughter. In addition to those customs of dumplings in my hometown, dumplings also have impacts in my recent life. This is the second year since I came to US. I spend Spring Festival with my friends last year. We made a great dinner and many dumplings together to celebrate the most important holiday of the year. Like the customer for Christmas that people usually buy gift for their family members, the heart of Spring Festival is making and eating dumplings. Carrier indicates that the gift creates problems â€Å"because the objects people confront in such societies overwhelmingly are impersonal commodities. And because these objects are impersonal, they do not make good gifts. † (Carrier, 1993) For this point, dumplings would never cause problems. Although people could easily buy dumplings from supermarket, making dumplings is also an important part in Spring Festival. The process of making dumpling is more complex than making other food, but the process allows people stay together and communicate. In conclusion, dumplings are indispensable in Chinese traditional activities.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Assignment On British Petroleum

Assignment On British Petroleum This Paper will concentrate on the organisation known as British oil typically referred to as British petroleum. This reason for this paper would be to examine and evaluate and analyse the present proper position of British petroleum inside the industry also once we proceed further we shall also consider the environment analysis, structural determinants from the concentration of your competition, structural analysis and competitive means of British petroleum, The entire paper continues to be split into three parts, simply one we consider the general analytical techniques like SWOT, PESTEL, suggested by M.E porter , latter simply two British petroleum is going to be analysed within the light of ansoff matrix and BCG matrix, and also the porters five forces, the ultimate part includes suggestions regarding the above mentioned analysis Introduction :- â€Å"BP is among the world’s leading worldwide gas and oil companies, supplying its clients with fuel for transportation, energ y for warmth and lightweight, retail services and petrochemicals items for everyday items† http://world wide web.british British oil well referred to as British petroleum is world’s major gas and oil company, it is among the the world third biggest company (source Wikipedia: petroleum) it’s well know brand worldwide, as well as in business realm it’s much referred to as a corporation that has been positively taking part in vertical integration approach in each and every section of fuel industry, which includes excavation of oil and extraction and production refining distribution energy generation and buying and selling, lately British petroleum continues to be positively including in the introduction of alternative energy assets because it is thought through the finish of the century all of the mobile phone industry’s reserves of conservative f uel deposits will vanish, however British petroleum has its own operation going through in 80 different nations and created roughly 4 million barrels of oil, Bp’s biggest maket share is within u . s . states mind quarted in Houston, the organization continues to be alleged for that threat of environment and safety concern following a recent spill in gulf, British petroleum may be the first company to understand the the long run interest in energy is anticipated to improve by 50% with within the next 2 decades as well as on the British petroleum website it’s mentioned the 85% from the energy demands is going to be met through the non-renewable fuels Medicare Part A:- British petroleum SWOT ANALYSIS: Talents: BP’s History/brand:- British petroleum Among the mobile phone industry’s well know brand that has been operating in the industry forever from the 1800s but formally referred to as Anglo- Iranian oil company , its history itself dictates its stability w ith in the industry, it includes a strong holds within the u . s . states market among the biggest consumer of gas and oil on the planet also Bigger producer within the Gulf:- As British petroleum is has its own strong root hold within the American market the organization features its own refining market and distribution channels thus it features a unique and formidable infrastructure, with the network of their subsidiaries making rivals daunting

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Moral Issues in Our Lives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Moral Issues in Our Lives - Essay Example I do know that the former always brings the latter; however, I particularly like instances when I am able to influence the consequences directly regardless of the previous actions. In such situations, I feel the maximum freedom. This, in turn, allows me to think about the actions that I am about to perform and the decisions tend to be correct ones. As for the rule that I consider to be the most important in my life, I might mention the Golden Rule of interaction. I do believe that others should be treated just like one wants to be treated. Several times in my life I was able to prove the validity of this kind of thinking and saw that it brings positive results for the people that apply it. For example, I want to be respected, therefore I always behave in a respective way towards other people. I think that this rule allows one to structure social interactions in the most effective way. There are many ideas and role models in my life that I would like to adhere to. However, the most significant of them of the Prophet Mohammed. I admire that He was able to be a successful spiritual guide, effective political leader, and a victorious warrior. It would not be a mistake to suggest that He lived life to its fullest and should become a role model for every active person. Furthermore, many events from His life teach how to behave in difficult situations. A good person is one who does his or her best to contribute to the good in the world. One would make no mistake that such definition engages extremely broad notions such as good and bad. Nevertheless, it is my strongest belief that all people have an innate ability to distinguish between the two and various religious systems simply guide this ability and teach people to use it. Indeed, sometimes, detecting bad can be rather simple.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Argument Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Argument - Research Paper Example Camera phone is a type of cell phone which has the option of taking pictures (Goggin, 2012). Due to this initially it was considered a tool of intervening in to the privacy of others and therefore many countries banned its use especially in the public places. Later on due to the extensive useful effects of camera phone it was allowed. However, with the passage of time inventors developed such sophisticated built-in cameras that now people don’t know even that they have been photographed. Despite of the fact that majority of the people consider camera phone as a blessing, it has given rise to many problems that were previously not present and therefore today people believe that the use of camera phones should be constrained especially in gymnasiums and other similar places in order to ensure privacy and security of the public while on the other side there are individuals who believe that the camera phones should not be restricted at public places. Hence it leads to an argument which is not yet resolved. People who believe that camera phones does not create disturbance or infuriation in their private lives does not supports the idea of banning camera phone at public places rather they support the idea of using it at places such as gymnasiums. This is primarily due to the fact that camera phones provides an opportunity to capture the most lovable moments of one’s lives and also to share them with others via social networking websites (Goggin, 2012). The mischievous intentions of people can be controlled by the implementation of strict rules and regulations which aims to provide protection to general public. Banning camera phones would be a significant step in this regard. However, if the use of camera phones is not protected by the law then there are substantial chances that people who do not have mischievous intentions will also indulge into harming activities for the sake of fun only. It is the basic

Friday, January 24, 2020

Abortion in Extreme Circumstances Only Essay -- Papers Pregnancy

Abortion Abortion is the induced termination of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus is capable of survival. This issue has created moral and social concern since the beginning of time. Individuals as well as the church, which is very influential on some people, have had to take a stand on either side of this controversial issue. There are many different views being taken on abortion making the decision of right or wrong that much more difficult to make. The act of aborting a fetus deals with a very complex definition of what a human life is. As Alan Keyes says, â€Å"Whether a life is a human life, entitled to respect for all the basic, inviolable rights of humanity – this is a critically important judgment.† No one person has the right to say when life begins and this is where the controversy on the issue of abortion stems from. Pro-life advocates define human life as beginning at the moment of conception, while pro-choice supporters claim that once the egg and sperm are united this is just a living organism and not a human life. If the fetus is a human then it is entitled to live under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, saying that it is as equal as any other person. Along with this presumption, if aborted, the aborter could be subject to the penalties that anyone would receive for killing another human being. If the fetus is not being thought of as a human life, then there should be no problem with abor ting a fetus. This decision on whether or not the fetus is living or not is extremely difficult to make, therefore creating moral conflict in our society today and for many years to come. Today there are three main positions being held on the abortion issue. The first is that abortion should be legal in all ... ...n even more difficult because often times the principles and morals conflict. I tend to feel that abortion is a violent and cruel act that takes an innocent unborn human life, but if I was faced with having an abortion I don’t know if I would act under these terms. If I was raped or my child was going to have defects I know that I would choose to have an abortion to avoid the extreme suffering waiting to happen. If I became pregnant accidentally I hope that I would go ahead and have the baby so as not to kill a human life even though I didn’t particularly want it. My whole life would probably be changed forever, but it would have been my fault for having careless sex in the first place. I definitely feel it is wrong for people to be having abortions almost as a means of birth control. I, like most others, feel it should only be used in extreme circumstances.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The federal Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987

The federal Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987; established regulations for nursing homes receiving federal funding that includes reimbursements from Medicare or Medicaid programs. It was signed by President Ronald Reagan, and it was the first major revision to the federal standards for nursing home care since the creation of both Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. This legislation changed the legal expectations of nursing homes and their care. If nursing homes do not comply with these regulations they cannot receive federal reimbursement. By the OBRA regulations nursing homes are not allowed to have working nurse aides for more than four months unless they are certified. In order to keep working longer than that aides need to go through a training and competency program. The nursing home will be responsible to verify that the aide is registered in their state. Under OBRA a nurse aide registry must consist of aides who have completed a nurse aide training and have successfully passed the competency evaluation program. The registry must make available the full name of the person, the date his/her training were completed and all the information of any improper conduct. If the person has not practiced in two years he/she may be removed from the registry. OBRA requires that all nursing facilities keep all employees up to date in their trainings. Annual education requires a minimum of 12 hours of training that specially address any weaknesses or areas of concerns that the group may be having. If the facility holds mentally ill patients the aid needs to be able to show that they have the proper skills to handle situations involving those mentally ill patients. The states can have their own training and competency program, for a program to be approves it must meet OBRA regulations. Such training must have a minimum of 75 hours of training of which 16 need to be supervise practical training hours. There are specific requirements under OBRA for a training curriculum. Students need to learn proper communication skills and interpersonal skills, they need to learn how to control infections, the appropriate emergency procedures, appropriates safety procedures. They need to learn how to be able to help patients be independent and to respect the patient’s rights. Students need to learn the needed nursing skills, such as how to correctly take vital signs and how to identify abnormal changes in a patient. They need to be able to know the needs needed when working with patients with mental health problems, and how to give care to patients for cognitively mpaired patients. Some requirements under OBRA are: * To provide services that will help promote each resident’s quality of life to the fullest capacity * To maintain the dignity and respect each resident deserves * To develop a care plan for each resident * To conduct an accurate assessment of each resident upon admission to the center and at any required interval in regards to his overall health * To prevent any decline in regards to daily activities, that includes the ability to east, using the toilet, bathing and walking. The staff of the facility must provide daily living activity care when necessary * To prevent any pressure sores from developing, and if a patient has a sore, to provide any necessary treatment and services to promote healing of such sores, prevent infection, and to prevent any new sores from developing. * To provide the right care for those residents that have urinary incontinence and if it’s possible to try and restore bladder function. It includes also the use of urinary catheters when appropriate, according to the regulations to prevent any adverse consequences related to the use of them * To prevent any type of accidents, this includes any falls, accidental poisonings or any incident that may cause injuries to the residents * To maintain proper nutrition for residents and to prevent any unnecessary weight loss * To provide the residents with sufficient fluid intake as to prevent any dehydration * To ensure that the resident feel free from any medication errors * To make sure the center has enough nursing staff to take proper care of all the resident’s needs * To make sure that all the residents have the right to choose activities, schedules, and healthcare need and that everything is maintained as it should be * To provide all medication services that appropriately meet the physical and psychological needs for each and every resident * To maintain an accurate, complete, and easily accessible clinical recor d for every resident OBRA became a law because of all the public growing concern with the very poor quality of care in many nursing homes and due to all the concerted advocacy of advocates, consumers, provider associations, and health care professionals. OBRA changed the care and lives of nursing home residents all across America. Many improvements have improved the care planning of the residents in the nursing home system. References FEderal and MA Long term care laws and regulations. (2008). Retrieved July 1, 2013, from MANHR: State Operation Manual. (2011, January 7). Retrieved July 1, 2013, from Appendix PP: Hawes C, M. V. (1997, August). The OBRA-87 nursing home regulations and implementation. Retrieved July 1, 2013, from PUB

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Effects Of Air Pollution On Human Health - 850 Words

This planet is home to seven billion people, and as the population still increasing, so does pollution. The debate associated with this contamination on the environment has to do with how much should be done to stop pollution, and whether or not this is a serious enough issue to be concerned with. Well, this issue should disturb people. The most frightening point about it is that these poisonous impurities infect the Earth in multiple forms, including air pollution and water pollution. The value of Earth is incomparable, and the presence of pollution devaluing it needs to be stopped because it impairs the environment, negatively affects human health, and it is something avoidable people can take simple, effective steps to prevent. Though there are many variations of pollution, the effects of them all end in hazardous consequences. These consequences destroy the environment, and a healthy environment is required for a safe Earth humans can survive on. The outcomes of air pollution are among the most common and severe. Transportation, agricultural processes, and natural sources like storms or fires are large triggers of this main type of pollution (â€Å"Air Pollution†). Responding to the significance of air pollution, the National Park Service says, â€Å"The presence of pollution in the atmosphere results directly in air quality degradation,† (â€Å"Air Pollution†). Pollution as a whole worsens the condition of natural environments and man-made buildings everywhere. It can causeShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Air Pollution On Human Health1319 Words   |  6 PagesCareful What You Breathe In: Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health The idea that we, as a global community, are destroying the very earth we commonly share is something that takes time for people to fully understand. It takes research and a open mind to be knowledgeable about the environmental issues the human race is causing to planet earth, as well as the issues that it is causes to our personal health. Air pollution is a large problem that exists in the United States. However, the challengeRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On Human Health1874 Words   |  8 PagesAIR POLLUTION Do you know 3.3 million people die each year due to air pollution? According to Borenstein, â€Å"Air pollution kills more than HIV and malaria combined.† Both of these diseases have caused worry from many people. How come people do not seem as worried about air pollution? In a study conducted by Harvard University, they found that â€Å"the yearly death total will double to about 6.6 million a year by 2050† because of air pollution. Something needs to be done in order to control air pollutionRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On Human Health Essay1381 Words   |  6 PagesObjectives 1. To establish the definition of air pollution and pollutants and determine their chemical nature. 2. To identify the causes of Air pollution 3. To define air pollution in India with respect to law as stated in the Indian Constitution. 4. To describe the Supreme Court interjection due to Delhi’s pollution and its results. 5. To assess the air pollution level in Delhi and compare the levels before and after Diwali 6. To find the level of pollution caused by different sources and the data supportingRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On Human Health And / Or The Environment Essay1780 Words   |  8 PagesAir pollution refers to a â€Å"broad range of contaminates† (Brimblecombe Atkins, 2013, p.20) found in the atmosphere that are harmful to human health and/or the environment. While air pollution can, at its most simplistic, be defined as â€Å"any input of chemical, aerosol, or particulate† (Blauvelt Gates, 2011, p. 17) found to be deleterious and airborne, the term can be subdivided in many ways by source, components, and mode of formation. (Blauvelt Gates, 2011, p. 17) Typically, an essential distinctionRead MoreEffects Of Outdoor Air Pollution And Its Effects On Human Health1405 Words   |  6 Pagespoor air quality due to outdoor air pollution and its’ effects on human health. I have examined numerous documents, learning about the anthropogenic causes of the air pollution in addition to studying the hazards the contaminated air presents to the public, particularly in urban areas. I have created a policy that I believe directly addresses the current needs of the atmosphere in order to continue to reduce the amount of pollution in the air we breathe, in turn improving our overall health. LookingRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On Human Health And Quality Of Life965 Words   |  4 PagesAir is the ocean we breathe. Air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to live. It is the most essential element for all living organisms and yet, most humans play a big role on polluting this essential resource and this means air pollution occurs. According to the, air pollution is the addition of harmful substances to the atmosphere resulting in damage to the environment, human health and quality ofRead MoreEffects Of Air Pollution Essay855 Words   |  4 PagesNia Wilson The effects of Air pollution Environmental pollution is the key concern for the humanity. It does not have any borders each member of our planet is affected by its devastating effects. Air pollution is the main factor contributing to general environmental problems. It is the emission of particulates, harmful materials, and biological molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere and is caused by both human and natural factors. The effects of air pollution are shocking. It causes numerous diseasesRead MoreEffects Of Population Pollution Essay1464 Words   |  6 Pagesnegative impacts on the environment. Each day the air around us is becoming more polluted as the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere caused by human activities increases each day. As population continues to gradually increase, it is causing harmful effects in terms of air pollution. An increase in the number of people directly varies with the pollution that is emitted into the environment. Moreso, the human population is polluting the air due to the use of vehicles such as cars, trucksRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On Plants, Animals, And Structures951 Words   |  4 PagesDescriptive Analysis: Air Pollution in California Holly Torres California Baptist University November 11, 2015 Background Information Air pollution has adverse effects on plants, animals, human beings, and structures; air pollution is caused by the introduction of foreign elements, fumes, and other impurities in the air. Over time, air pollution has been a major health problem caused by both human and natural causes. As the years advance, air pollution has become an issue of concern throughoutRead MoreEffects Of Air Pollution Essay1282 Words   |  6 Pagesmany kinds of pollution, but one that has the most impact on humans would be air pollution. In order to live, we must breathe air and surprisingly some things that we breathe takes a toll on our health. Air pollution occurs when pollutants are released into the atmosphere. It has both chronic and acute effects on human health which effects a number of different systems and organsFossil fuel combustion such as diesel fuel, coal, gasoline and natural gas is the main source of air pollution. Most of this